How else do you make an impression, without causing undulations
in the pond? Checks and controls are bound to cause ripples but
they are essential to know the buoyancy of our business. Our Undulation
portfolio offers to you:
- Sales Effectiveness Audit
Have you ever wondered how effective is your team which is representing
you at the remote site? We partner with you in evaluating the
effectiveness of your sales team and identifying the training
& development need which can propel your business to a higher
- Channel Team Audit
Though your channel had invested significantly in ramping up his
business team but your partner is not able to give you the kind
of return that you were anticipating. We partner with you in identifying
the need gap and disseminating to your partner and his team the
best practices being followed in various business enterprises
in your domain.
- Stock Audits in Stores
You maintain your stocks at various warehouses which
may be your own or of your partners. We undertake projects of
independent stock audits to let you know what exactly in your
inventory is useable and what needs to be used up really fast.
- Organizational HR Audit
Increasing manpower and headcounts does not necessarily mean an
increased work output. Further, over a period of time, you workforce
need the rejuvenation of job rotation which can effectively be
explored through our offering of Organizational HR Audits.
- Quality Audit
Yours is a quality conscience organization and you try
to adhere to the norms and standards that have come up to stay
in the industry and are your hallmark of excellence among your
customers. We undertake independent quality audits for products,
processes and functions to let you know the current status of
affairs and identify the gaps, if any.
- Management Audit
Organizations run on various processes which may have been formed
out of customs or conveniences. Management audits help in evaluating
their effectiveness and enhancing their productivity. As you look
out for opportunities of redefining productive efficiency speak
to us and we may together be able to enhance the value within
the existing setup.