SMS Group
takes privilege in introducing SAMAGAM, the confluence of job enquiries,
products and service providers on a common platform. The North Central
part of India is blessed with superior technical & technological
skills, handicraft, monuments and rich cultural heritage & history.
This part of the country has the highest growth potential. The greatest
challenges faced by the region are the lack of opportunities, creditable
work avenues and above all competent management acumen.
SAMAGAM is a platform provided for all the opportunities that can
be effectively projected and highlighted at the relevant forums.
SAMAGAM enlists job enquiries, product manufactures, traders and
other service providers under diverse fields to showcase their products
and requirements in an open market environment. The SMS Group under
its banner would like to encourage the management and technological
temper within the area by enlisting the jobs and the service providers
and connecting the two so that the two harbor a mutually beneficial

- Any individual, organization can register their services, jobs
or products in the relevant category and the same shall be displayed
in the appropriate panel.
- Each of the service categories to be updated at the sole discretion
of SAMAGAM and the product quality and service parameters are
sole responsibility of the service provider.
- Each enlisting has to happen through an email verification
or physical document as the case may be.
- SAMAGAM reserves the right to display of any service, product
or service provider.
- Any service seeker, job seeker can close the enquiry at their
sole discretion.
- Any additional information, details if need to be added by
the service seeker or job seeker, the same would be displayed
at the bottom of the original enquiry.
- SAMAGAM does not take responsibility for any of the transactions
and all the financial transactions are to happen between the parties
at their own risks.
- All services provided shall have to be as per the approved
products or services as per the prevailing laws of India.

- Any SAMAGAM enlisted member can avail the SAMAGAM special services
- All job enquirers and service seekers become direct clients
- All job providers, product manufacturers or traders to become
direct vendors of SAMAGAM.
- The services and the job category of the SAMAGAM special service
pack would be prominently displayed on the SAMAGAM site.
- The jobs are them allotted to the sub vendors of SAMAGAM from
all the enlisted job providers, product manufacturers, service
providers based on the preference of the job enquirers and service
- The payment terms and the project / product milestones are
to be decided between the two parties and the same information
to be uploaded on to SAMAGAM.
- The extension of the project / product milestone shall be at
the discretion of the service seeker.
- The payments are escrowed as per the project/ product milestones
and the service seekers satisfaction.
- The project / product milestone to start once the payments
for the project are received by SAMAGAM from the service seeker.
- The job quality parameters remain the sole responsibility of
the service provider, product manufacturer or trader organization.
- SAMAGAM acts as an arbitrator between the two parties in case
of any dispute.
- Users rating and reviews would be available for future references
after the completion of at least one project.
- SAMAGAM to charge a transaction fee from both the parties as
facilitation service fees.
- The payments to the registered vendor of SAMAGAM would be after
deducting the TDS as per the rules and norms of the Government
of India.
- The decision of SAMAGAM would be final in all respect.